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Coming up in week 5

It was such a pleasure to spend the week with your children last week. 

Last week we had a great time on the year 6 sailing camp, Although we were all very tired by Friday, many happy memories were created and new skills learnt.

On Thursday we have a day off for a bank holiday and on Friday we have a staff training day, so no children in school on those days.

Assessment Week
Next week 16th October 2017 we will complete our first set of assessments to evaluate what the children have learn so far and what they still need to work on. There is no need to revise for these assessments.

In English this week we will be continuing with our book study – Goodnight Mister Tom. The children will be writing in the style of the author by predicting what they think will happen next.

The children will be working on subtraction problems that include money. For example - how much change form 5, 10 or 20 pounds?

This week in science the children will plan their own experiments to explore how shadows change size and shape depending on the position of the sun. They will need to use scientific vocabulary and ensure that their test is fair.

This week the children will do a large version sketches ready for painting. They will also practice the brush techniques required to achieve the desired effects.

Overall Star of the Week on Friday was; Dany for all ahe achieved in the week.

Thought for the week…


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